the tree is more than first a seed,
then a stem, then a living trunk,
and then dead timber.
the tree is a slow,
enduring force
to win the sky...
all in the spirit of sping...
Ah the great time of SPING! Sping, when people dance around awkwardly and get crazy in their eyes and wink alot. Sping is the best! Gotta love SPING! :)
i love reading and talking and listening and growing and writing and changing and painting and rocking and dancing and singing and shouting and crying and sharing and eating and laughing. the world is a small and very sad place without the Love of PEOPLE. what a sweet ride it is...
Ah the great time of SPING! Sping, when people dance around awkwardly and get crazy in their eyes and wink alot. Sping is the best! Gotta love SPING! :)
you're a crazy little peach, aren't you?!
well... what can you do... :)
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