
the randomness that life brings...when you're not looking

so, i was out at this pub last night with my wonderful friend Ryoko. you know, the one with the great laugh? the laugh that soothes your soul because its shouts of its unabandoned freedom? yes. so we're eating and talking and enjoying all of life--unwinding after another day, and these 3 people come in. they sit at the table next to us and i realized that this british guy is speaking GREAT japanese with these other two people. i was envious of him... well, anyway, after 10 minutes or so, i had to get something out of my bag and had to move his coat a bit, and he said, "im sorry pretty, you have a great accent" and i laughed. how in the world do I, little miss californian sunshine (ahahah) have an accent? did oregon change me? possible, i guess. anyway, we all end up spending our evening together, talking in both japanese and english enjoying it all. the dank dark pub, loud music and laughs and incredible similarities. this guy is crazy. he's got shops (like restaurants and stuff) all over tokyo. he has something like 15 or so. crazy. anyway, turns out he loves Ryoko's hometown (which is smaller than a walnut on a hot afternoon) and lives near me out here in BFE. he owns a few schools too, and said that the kids school is too much for him to handle now. its all paid for and there is a good student base in a great location... and he offered it to me! he said he would just give it to me if i wanted it! how crazy is that??! so, needless to say, im thinking about it a bit... just wondering what japan would be like without the rules and space that i have had to adhere to. and it sounds, well, possible. i dont know. just thinking. the evening ended (all things do) and we headed back, on an absolute HIGH. we had such a surprising great time! i LOVE random interactions that free me up and remind me why im alive!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

EEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!! That's AMAZING!!!!!! Oh my HECK! Well, think and pray about that one loveee, and if you feel good and ok about it, go for it! How crazy! That could be so amazing! I know for Dave and I, we feel the same way about lithuania, that without the stupid rules and restrictions and expectations it would have been and could be a totally different and much more enjoyable place to live. Keep us posted. :)