
one strand of hope
thats all i strain to see
amidst the bloated rush
plaguing this city
i need to find something
to love in the lost, swimming
wites of these almond shaped eyes.
it's lonely befriending silence
giving in to its needs
forgetting your own
apathetic blood breaks your vains
and you find you are swimming
in a sea that isn't yours to swim
but still, my eyes are hoping to find
the strand that will empart meaning.

1 comment:

Dave Feucht said...

Oh dear, I hope that you find it. I hope so much for peace for you. I wish (and I know Trina does too) that I could just reach in and cradle that little heart of yours and keep it warm. But there is a reason, and what we can do is walk with you as you look for it, and I'm glad of that. Thank you for being so real, you make more difference than you know.