
Running so hard i worry my knees will buckle as i make this corner. My heart is pounding in my chest in a way that if i could feel it, it would be like a neurotic bird trying to escape its cage with flurried wings. quickly, i approach the stairs that are dappled with sunlight; you know the kind where day meets night, and the magical kiss leaves you new somehow by its mystery? But this time, i can't stop to take it all in. I can't try to scoop the magic up into my hands to keep safe in my pockets because for now, they are clenched and have thoughts too big to escape. So, up i go, past the light hitting the hard wood, banging my feet ever so begrudgingly as my chest heaves up and down. i glance behind me, and i can still see his shadow. its there and it seems to be getting closer even still. No matter how hard i run, will i never escape? now i have reached a hall filled with many doors. "perhaps this is a school?" i wonder. not knowing what is behind each different door, i run further into the darkness, hoping to escape the shadow that follows in its looming, quiet, annoying way. all i can remember now is the loss of shadow amidst darkness. it DID swallow me whole, just as i was afraid it would. but i guess at least the running can stop and i can just wait for what it will do to me. see if my fears were valid...

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