
ah, simplicity.

i love the comfort of coffee shops. the horizon is faded closely to black over the mountains--and because of the lingering snow, the tops of these homes nestled in her wings are glowing pinkish purple. there is a fire in the fireplace, and my almond latte is bringing me more joy than i thought it could. perhaps it is because my sister made it for me. she's wonderful. i am full now. somehow i have been stripped so that i am thankful for the simplicity of life.

Close your eyes
And remember the sounds
Of great love pursuing all
That beeps within you.
There is no place so far that
You cannot be found
And no place so hidden---nor dark
That you cannot find your way
Now open your tired eyes
To see that there is still
A light that pierces this present darkness
Binding fear and regret
Bringing hope and grace to the tearing
Hems in your very soul.
Unfurl those clenched hands
And wait for the blessing
To fall
To rain
To pierce
Your brokenness in a way
That makes you new
And above all else; FORGIVEN.

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