
maui water on my skin... this is happy.

i am liking this newness... the reunions and the laughter. the swimming and the new people. the new culture... the crazy culture shock i am being crushed under... its all so interesting. mostly its confusing... but im rolling with it all... mostly because the way of the island pushes me that way... we'll see how it all unfolds. a wedding in 3 days. weird. exciting? mostly.


Dave Feucht said...

Hello there!

We'll be thinking of you as you're there. We're home and safe and we made green tea with mint, and on the radio today that Oasis song you did for karaoke came on, and we still have numa numa stuck in our heads.

Getting over jet lag is evil.

Love you.

Anonymous said...

hope everything is going well as it can. I am having yet another fun fight with jet lag but it's getting better today. I miss you a ton and can't wait till you get to be stateside again. swim to your hearts content our lovee. maybe you'll swim into spanard????