
just thinking...

how blessed we are when we stop long enough, open our eyes, and find that the entire sky has bent over backwards and the stars are kissing us atop our foreheads? the dark canopy folds and wrinkles time itself to rip out our still beating hearts and give them extra feeding affection. gifts are thrown before us, but with scaled over eyes, we scurry past, ignorant to everything of beauty. everything that gives meaning to life itself, we hide. why is fear an acceptable mask? why, in fear, do we live our lives, hurting others, judging them, and hating who they've become... when we only hate that which we see mirrored reflections of within our very selves. how will love ever win when we let our callouses dictate the future, rotting the very ground we walk on?

1 comment:

Dave Feucht said...

love will win because, as broken as we are, we can change... and there's a third party out there whose business is changing us. it happens slowly (most of the time), and we are impatient, but that third party's goal in change is healing and restoration, and He's the one you feel in those stars, caressing your heart. i'm so happy that I know you...